Reading Laughter

After standing in the rertail park for 4 hours, the remainder of the day was spent exploring London. This group of 7 Black necked Grebes showed well in the concrete bowl of Staines Reservoir, along with a slightly diminished poplulation of Ruddy Ducks...

This was the only shot I managed of the Laughing Gull (Left hand bird). The picture was taken with no zoom at all, so as you can guess, the bird was pretty close... Unfortunately it only remained on the ground for less than a minute but gave fantastic flight views. At the point we saw it, the bird was developing its black head and is now (mid March) in full summer plumage, definately worth another visit. This was my second lifer (new bird) of the year following the Lesser Scaup on the Ouse Washes in Cambs.
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